From 13 to 17 March, the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) was held at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok, Thailand. Our research team members, Yusuke Sakurai and Ryoko Nakano, participated and conducted a panel presentation. In this panel presentation, along with BoKyung Kim from Korea’s HanYang University ERICA Campus, Mirka Martel from the Institute of International Education in the United States, and Dora Longoni from the University of Padua in Italy, the presenters provided insights on the changes in student mobility and international education practices in their respective countries, regarding the current state of international education after the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters from Korea and Italy also shared their experiences of rebuilding international education practices while accelerating digitalisation and inclusive education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This panel was held in the early morning following the reception dinner event, attracting an audience of over 30 people, which revealed the high level of international interest in this topic. From the pre-arrangements for the day of the presentation, Yusuke Sakurai and Ryoko Nakano, our research team members, believe that they made a meaningful contribution to enhancing the presence of young Japanese international education practitioners, which is one of the objectives of this research project.
Participating in APAIE 2023 provided us with an opportunity to rediscover trends in international education. In particular, presentations related to digitalisation and SDGs stood out. We realised that while there is a high awareness of environmental issues, Japanese universities are lagging behind in responding to sustainable higher education. Additionally, while Europe is returning to in-person education, in the United States, there were some opinions in favour of maintaining online education. Overall, despite being an Asia-Pacific international education event, we felt that there is a need to further strengthen the presence of East Asian and Southeast Asian countries and participants, as the efforts and participation of Western countries were dominant.
APAIE 2023
3月13日から17日まで、アジア太平洋地域の国際教育協会(APAIE)が、タイ・バンコクのシリキット王妃国際会議場で開催されました。当調査チームの櫻井勇介と中野遼子が参加し、パネル発表を行いました。このパネル発表では、コロナ禍後の国際教育の現状について、韓国・漢陽大学ERICAキャンパスのBoKyung Kim氏、アメリカのInstitute of International EducationのMirka Martel氏、イタリアのパドヴァ大学のDora Longoni氏と共に、それぞれの国の学生の流動性と国際教育の実践の変化について話題提供をしました。また、韓国とイタリアの発表者からは、COVID-19パンデミックを通じて、デジタル化の取り組みやインクルーシブ教育を加速させながら、国際教育実践を再構築してきた実践について共有しました。